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Find a Spiritual Director

Central Massachusetts


Christie Borthwick, Lexington MA

781.534.3084 | | Lexington, MA


Elizabeth Cartier, Hopkinton MA

508.572.9934 |

Spiritual Director and Co-leader at The Sanctuary at Woodville.

I have been involved in many forms of prayer for 30 years. I am certificated through Sustainable Faith; School of Spiritual Direction. My desire is to journey alongside others in life, to listen to their stories, to pray with them, and to help them notice God in their lives. To have a safe place to share one's life is a gift from God that I love to be about. I use a verity of spiritual practices, music and the arts in my spiritual direction.  

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Laurel Coolbaugh, Shrewsbury/Woodville MA

774.270.0516 (cell) | Being a Pastor and a Spiritual Director fit together like a hand and glove, helping others to grow both in their knowledge and experience of God.  By God’s grace, I have been a practicing director for 11 years, (including accompanying people through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises).  I have earned a Doctorate from GCTS and a certificate from the Selah School of Spiritual Direction. I am happy to meet with people in person or via Skype/FaceTime. I am also available to lead group spiritual direction and retreats. Contributing member of eNE Guidance Team.


Judy Pierce, Lexington MA

781.862.8351 x148 | | Lexington, MA

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Bobbie Sargent, Arlington MA I have experienced the joys and frustrations of ministry and benefited so much from spiritual direction myself. I want to pass that on by helping other Christians draw closer and develop their ability to listen to God, so they can increasingly live lives centered on and responsive to the One who knows and loves them best. I completed direction training through PAX, have my Masters in Spiritual Formation, and have training and experience in healing prayer. Married with three young adult children, I enjoy backpacking and other outdoor activities, travelling, and music. Also accepting some directees in Vermont.


Susan Scott, Maynard, MA

978.844.1645 |

I have been fascinated by people’s God stories since childhood, and delight in hearing them and looking with others for the fingerprints of God on their lives. I received my training as a spiritual director from School of Spiritual Direction (Sustainable Faith) and am also an ordained minister, serving a church in Boston’s western suburbs. I received my M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. I am happy to meet with people in person or via Skype.

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James Knight, Uxbridge MA

(508) 579-3719 | |

What I love about Spiritual Direction is the opportunity to companion with others as they desire to encounter Jesus’ love in transformative ways. I desire to be a presence that opens the door for others to meet with and hear from the Holy Spirit, the true Spiritual Director of our lives. I have the joy of ministering as the Care Pastor at Faith Fellowship Church in Uxbridge, MA and at home as a husband and father of two young boys. My training includes a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Zion Bible College, a Masters of Divinity from Ashland Theological Seminary with a concentration in Spiritual Formation, and the completion of a two-year training cohort in Spiritual Direction through The PAX Center of Spiritual Formation. 


Jennifer Layte, Worcester MA |  After ministering to refugees in London, UK, and as a Christian Education Director in Worcester, I’m honored to find a vocational home in spiritual direction and the pastorate. I am the part-time settled pastor of Central Baptist Church, Southbridge, and founder and director of The Pilgrimage, an online spiritual direction and formation ministry. Through the Pilgrimage, I provide group spiritual formation classes and individual spiritual direction. I have a particular interest in being a listening ear for those wrestling with their place in the American church and/or on the verge or in process of spiritual deconstruction. I offer spiritual direction via Zoom or FaceTime.

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Leslea Linebarger, Southborough MA, online “Take off your shoes, for this is holy ground.” This is how it feels in direction as I walk alongside others and watch them discover that God has been present with them all along. Even pain and doubt can be redeemed as we let God weave our messy threads into something of beauty. I earned my certificate in spiritual direction in 2013 from LTi's Selah Program. I enjoy spending time in nature, cooking, and singing in the choir at St. Mark’s Episcopal in Southborough, where I offer direction. I am married with three adult children and a grandson, with whom I enjoy doing anything or nothing at all. I offer direction online, as well as guided contemplative retreats. See more at Contributing member of eNE Guidance Team.

Northern Massachusetts


Andrea Bliss-Lerman, Andover MA

978.475.0700 (church) |
Serving as the Minister of Spiritual Direction at Free Christian Church in Andover, Ma, has been a gift of grace for me. I started offering spiritual direction in 1990 and completed the Shalem Program of Spiritual Guidance in 1993. I continue to meet with many people for individual direction. I developed and taught a spiritual direction training program entitled, Listen: Training in Christian Spiritual Direction. I am also a guest contributor of contemplative prayer in other spiritual direction training programs. In addition, I have been privileged to be involved in ministry that companions spiritual direction with juvenile justice.


Jeanine Birdsall, Hamilton MA

978.468.2626 |
Spiritual direction is a way for me to share the hospitality of a quiet place for reflection and restoration in God’s presence. I look to Christ Jesus for guidance from his Holy Spirit and to the Bible to shape spiritual conversation and prayer. I served as a missionary in Asia with my husband of 39 years and raised our 3 children overseas; thus I have special interest in the issues that arise in cross-cultural living and work. I have degrees from Wheaton College, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and was trained in spiritual direction through the Listen course created by Andrea Bliss-Lerman.


Susan Porterfield Currie, Hamilton MA

978.468.1817 |
I value spiritual direction as a ministry of spacious hospitality—graced in time, in place, in heart and soul, and in the loving presence of our Trinitarian God. I have been offering direction and leading retreats for over 20 years, and in the past several years I’ve enjoyed training others to do the same through Leadership Transformations’ Selah Program. I have a particular heart for working with ministry leaders, and for encouraging the place of direction in the wider supportive context of the ministry of the local church. My own training was through CFDM’s Pacific Northwest program.


Wendy Dixon, Manchester MA

978.526.4795 |
Trained through the Spiritual Directors Internship Initiative program, I have been offering spiritual direction since 2005. In the peace, calm and safety of our sessions, we reflect on your relationship with God. How has God been moving to heal you, help you, love you, guide you? In the weeks between our sessions, you are likely to notice God’s presence and invitations to you more and more. As an ordained priest in the Anglican Diocese in New England, I am evangelical, liturgical, and charismatic. I am available to lead retreats on how to “dialogue with God” using various art materials, nature walks and journaling.


Jennifer Drummond, S. Hamilton MA

978.290.2234 |
It is a privilege to companion someone, and witness God’s presence in their life; whether it’s a joyful “aha” moment, or deep and silent pondering in pain, God reveals himself in mysterious and beautiful ways. I have received spiritual direction since 2010, and completed my training in 2015 through the Holy Conversations course, in the Anglican Diocese in New England. I offer direction in Hamilton (and surrounding towns). I’m married and have two school-aged children. Contributing member of eNE Guidance Team.

John French, Rockport MA

781.438.1971 |
For the last 20 years I have been offering individual and group spiritual direction. Recently retired from pastoral ministry after 40 years, I continue to offer ministries of retreats, spiritual formation companionship, spiritual direction and facilitation of spiritual formation groups. Currently I am on the faculty and a supervisor of interns with Selah, a spiritual direction training program of LTi. I live with my wife in Rockport MA. When not working, I enjoy gardening, biking or walking the beautiful Rockport shore.

M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Spiritual Direction Certificate, Shalem Institute. Contributing member of eNE Guidance Team.


Chris May, Melrose MA

781.665.5284  |
It has been said that to truly listen is the greatest gift we can give another. To listen with another to the Holy Spirit and speak together about the Spirit’s gracing in the directee’s life, is a wonderful privilege. As Minister to Women at Park Street Church, it has been my joy to offer individual direction, group quiet mornings, and retreats. I also write Bible studies that incorporate teaching spiritual practices. My direction style is usually to offer times of silence, lectio or visio divina, and brief teaching/reflection/comment as the Spirit leads.


Susan Skillen, Amesbury MA
I am an Anglican priest and Canon (assistant to the bishop) for Spiritual Formation for the Anglican Diocese in New England, offices in Amesbury, MA. I meet with individual directees, as well as teach a two-year spiritual director training program. My own training was completed at the Shalem Institute in 1996. I have an M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Seminary. With my husband and our four daughters I lived for seven years in Orvieto, Italy. Over the past twelve I have been bringing spiritual direction retreat groups to Italy, focusing on saints of the Umbria region, including Francis, Clare and Benedict.


Lori Wasserman, Burlington MA

781.365.0688 |
Through Spiritual Direction, I gained a profound and far deeper relationship with the Lord that has grown increasingly more meaningful and personal since as I continue to know Him and sharpen my understanding of how He designed me to be. Moving our relationship from my head to my heart, it has become a personal conversation. Given this, my counseling background and desire to serve and help others grow and also experience this profound relationship, I completed LTI’s 2-year Selah certificate program. For the past 25 years I have worshipped and served in numerous capacities at Grace Chapel in Lexington MA.


Rama Ziegenhals, Essex MA

I received my certificate in spiritual direction in 2006 through the Listen Course. I offer direction in Essex and Cambridge. I value direction as a place of prayerful listening in the context of a welcoming and nurturing environment. My heart is eager to draw attention to Godʼs transforming love for you, and to invite you to give voice to those experiences that draw you into a conscious intimacy with God. I received my Masters in Spiritual Formation from Spring Arbor University and I am the Founder of PAX Center for Christian Spiritual Formation ( I am married with two daughters.


Roselle Heckendorn, Andover MA

978.475.9500 ext 104 | serve as the Prayer and Outreach Minister at Free Christian Church, and have been meeting with women for Spiritual Direction since 2010. I trained with Andrea Lerman and now meet with women in my office at the church. My vision for Spiritual Direction flows out of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth and I seek to offer a safe space, for people to share the things of God and listen to what the Holy Spirit might say to them. I live in Andover with my husband David and three children.


Kate Hemenway, Lowell MA lost faith and 25 years later finding Christ again, I also discovered the beauty of prayer, personal conversations and silence with him. To accomplish my need for deep communion with Christ, I studied Spiritual Direction with the Sisters of St. Francis, in Lowell, where I also live. This was invaluable for my search. I am Evangelical and a member of Grace Chapel where I co-facilitate several Spiritual Direction groups, serve as a Stephen Minister and as a small-group leader at Grace’s Women’s Bible studies. I also minister in prison, and have served in homeless outreach.


Jenna Higgins, Magnolia /Gloucester MA

617.901.5920 |

Trained in Art and Ignatian Inspired Spiritual Direction, I journey with people to explore, contemplate, and listen for the places where God is moving.  We explore creative ways to listen to Gods small voice as the Holy Spirit leads our Holy Conversations.

Located in Magnolia, a section of Gloucester, the ocean is a great backdrop to engage the senses as we explore God with us. 

I have been trained by the Spiritual Direction Internship Initiative Program and Studied at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and I am a big fan of St. Francis and Clare of Assisi.   I am available for Art led directed retreats in addition to Spiritual Direction both in person and online.  

East and South Massachusetts


Deb Bellevue, W. Bridgewater MA

774.688.1863 |
Deb provides Spiritual Direction at “THE WELL… A Center For Hope and Healing” in Bridgewater, MA. She is the pastor of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care at South Shore Community Church and is certified in Spiritual Direction through Leadership Transformations’ Selah Program. Deb also leads directed silent retreats. Her quiet, powerful, and caring ministry of love continues to bring hope and healing to people as they connect with Jesus. Receiving and offering spiritual direction has been life-transforming for her.


Western Massachusetts


Rev. Stan Bohall, South Hadley MA

508.410.9008 |
For over forty years I have worked with individuals and groups, helping them develop short and long-range plans, build teams, and achieve goals. As a pastor, I developed people and organizations through teaching, preaching, organizing, writing, motivating, and listening. I have a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell. I began offering spiritual direction in 2010 while working on Leadership Transformations’ Selah Program. I completed the program in 2012. I have a keen interest in the arts especially the works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. My wife, Judi, and I live in South Hadley, MA. We have two married sons and four grandchildren.


Jeremy Stefano, Holden MA*

508.829.5654 | | Holden, MA

* Not accepting new directees, but may be available for leading retreats.


Charles Sutton, Uxbridge, MA

774.293.0372 |
Charlie has been engaged in spiritual direction since 2013, having been trained through the Anglican Diocese in New England. He has had wide experience in ministry to individuals and small groups through student work (1970-76) and parish ministry (1982-2009). Charlie lives in Uxbridge, MA, with his wife, Mary. They have two adult children and two granddaughters.


Amy Alves, Oxford MA


Throughout my life, getting to know God and listening to others has been a part of who I am. I have a background in Life Coaching through the AACC and also enjoyed going through Selah, a two year spiritual direction certificate program through Leadership Transformations. It's a joy for me to companion people on their personal journey with Jesus; watching and responding to His loving invitations! When I'm not providing spiritual direction I love savoring quality ice cream, being out in nature, and spending time with my husband and four beautiful children.



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