Find a Spiritual Director
New Hampshire

Bryan Larson, Salem NH
603.434.8583 |
I am privileged to pastor in Salem,NH. I’ve been practicing spiritual direction for three years, and it has changed my life. I was trained by Dave Nixon at Sustainable Faith, School of SD and Wendy Miller at Gateways to God SD Training, Andover, MA. Being a pastor and spiritual director are the two sides of my “ministry coin.” I enjoy both aspects of ministry so much, however companioning people in SD is such a blessing and leaves me impassioned to continue. I’m happily married to Natalie and the proud father of three adult children!

Natalie Larson, Salem NH
603.434.8583 |
I have been practicing Spiritual Direction since 2011. I received my training through Sustainable Faith Ministries and Gateways to God. I am the founder and Executive Director of Soulsafe, a ministry that teaches about the effects of dramatic stress and ways to mitigate the symptoms that accompany a traumatic event. My Spiritual Direction practice allows me to meet with people who are experiencing a “dark night of the soul” without judgment or discomfort and help them to experience the light that Christ brings into our darkest places with his presence.

Shirley Paz, Hampstead NH
603.329.8047 & 978.373.3034 |
I have been on staff at West Church in Haverhill, MA since 2007, and presently serve as the Director of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. In addition, I work with the Pax Center for Spiritual Formation. Trained in spiritual direction through Leadership Transformation’s Selah program, I believe spiritual direction provides rich space for God’s transformative truth and love, which makes us whole and holy. I see a wide range of directees, considering this ministry both calling and gift. I live in southern NH with my husband and delight in our two adult children, seven grandchildren, the outdoors, and summer.